One of the most common question on travel forum is how to cheaply get to or from Modlin Airport to Warsaw. Here’s our information about all the options and some pictures from Warsaw. Enjoy!

Direct bus to Modlin Airport/Warsaw
Probably the easiest way to commute between Warsaw and Modlin Airport is to travel by direct bus. It goes from Plac Defilad and stops at the parking in front of the airport.
If you book well in advance, the price may start even from PLN 9 (2 Euro). Usually you have to pay around PLN 35 (approx. 8 Euro).
You will find time tables and information about the transfers on the websites of the following bus companies:
Modlin Bus [ENG]

Train + Bus
The other possible way to get to the airport is by train. Unfortunately, the train doesn’t go directly to the airport, but stops in the nearby town of the same name as the airport Modlin. From there you can catch a bus, that stands in front of the train station.
The bus departs 10 minutes after trains arival and it needs 10 minutes to get to the airport. You can also try to catch taxi there.
It is also one of the fastest options if you have to commute between two Warsaw’s airports.
You can book it online on national trains website.
Transfer between Chopin Airport and Modlin Airport
In case you need to change the airports to catch a transfer flight, the fastest way to travel might be train.
There is a direct link between airports and the journey lasts about: 1 hour (from Chopin Airport to Modlin train station) + 10 minutes for change + 10 minutes (bus from the train station to the Modlin airport).
You can book it online on national trains website.
READ MORE about train transport in Poland in our next post.
Carpooling from Modlin Airport
There is always someone traveling to or from the Modlin Airport and you can easily catch a ride using BlaBlaCar. You just need to cheap in for the ride and you are ready to go.
The costs of the ride depends on the driver, but it usually doesn’t go over PLN 15 per person. And of course the price is displayed on the website, so there is no way to take advantage.
By car to Modlin Airport
Until very recentely it was probably the best option for those who live in Poland and travel in a group.
We usually leaved our car at Parking Pod Wiatrakiem, where for less than PLN 100 we could park our car for few days and have a free transfer to the airport, which was just 1500 meters away from our car.
However, be aware that in the beginning of March Modlin Airport changed the price for parking at the airport. Now every single entrance costs 25 zł. Making Modlin Airport the most expensive parking space on Polish Airports.
Kiss and ride option is available only twice a day. Which is why the owners of the parkings all around the airport had to increase their prices.
Hi Justyna. I am planning a budget trip with my teenage children and husband over the Easter break. We plan to fly in to Katowice Airport (KTW) arriving at 22.00 on Wed 12th April and leave from Warsaw Modlin Airport (WMI) on Sunday 16th April at 19.30. As this our our first time in Poland we are looking for a number of things:
1.a cabin on a lake somewhere half way between KTW & WMI sleeps 5 (three bedrooms & two bathrooms)
2.a driver with a car to take us on day trips & car hire (so that we may compare the two)
3.adventure sports day trips-skiing, white water rafting and hot air ballooning (or similar)
We await a reply at your earliest convenience.
Kind regards,