Hot? Enjoy it while it last. Summer season in Poland can be overwhelming but we are not complaining. Especially since we know the best place to get cool in and around Warsaw. Jump in!

Open swimming pools in Warsaw
You will find at least four big swimming pools in the town. They are always busy and full of people, so get ready for some competition.
The biggest swimming pool in Warsaw. It has been under construction for a year and is going back to business in June 2019. As it is the most popular recreational pool in Warsaw, you can expect many people there.
Where: Wola
Basen Szczęśliwice
You know Szczęśliwice means “happy place” in Polish? You will find here a nice open swimming pool with a slide.
Where: Park Szczęśliwice, close to Blue City
Swimming Pool Kora
One of the oldest in town, could deffinetely use some renovation. Still, it is crowded.
Where: Saska Kępa, Wał Miedzeszyński
Baseny Inflacka
Quite close to Waraw’s city center, you will find a a big open swimming pool. The biggest pool is 18×12 meters. There is a slide and 3 small pools for children.
Where: ul. Inflancka, close to Arkadia Shopping Mall
Powsin Park
Another one is just in!
An open swimming pool had just opened in Powsin Culture Park. You can swim in 25m x 12,5m pool and enjoy the green space around you. There is also a space for the kids.
Opened from 10 till 6 pm.

Lakes in and around Warsaw
It doesn’t seem so, but Warsaw is surrounded by small and big lakes. The most popular destinations are:
Lake Czerniakowskie
Right in the middle of the city, next to Sierkierki power station, you will find a nature reserve with a lake. You can swim there, or rent a boat.
Where: ul. Jeziorna
Price: Free

Zegrzyńskie Lake
The biggest blue stain on the map. Zegrzyńskie is an artificial lake, created at meeting point of Narew and Bug river. In summer season all the road going from Warsaw to Zegrzyńskie are packed. The most crowded beaches are these around Nieporęt and Serock, however if you turn towards Rynia, you will find some calmer spots.

Dziekanowskie Lake
It used to be the best spot around Warsaw to jump on wakeboard. However, since starting from 2018 there is no wakeboarding station there no more, we can olny recommend it as a good beach spot. Just don’t hang at the main beach, which is overcrowded, and head for the right side of the lake.
Wakeboarding in Warsaw
Few years ago every single paddle and a lake around Warsaw become wakeboarding spot. Some of them were started by real passionates, the other simply by the local entrepreneurs. Until very recentely the best wakeboarding lift was located at Jezioro Dziekanowskie close to Łomianki. However, due to some political argument of those in power, it is now closed.
The remaining available spots are in:

Pubs and clubs with swimming pools
Turn out you can link drinking and swimming in even more efficient way. In Warsaw you will find few pubs with small swimming pools that will let you chill on a summer day. Here is the list: