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Top of the league. Lanckorona is probably the best place for chill out within 50 km radious from Cracow. Especially if you decide to stay for the night.

The town is beloved by the artists who discovered the place in the last century and made it unofficial holy land of Polish writers, actors, painters and many other who seek their inspirtation or simply wanted to have some fun with other adventurers.

The highlights of the town is its original wooden architecture from XIX century and of course fantastic location. Lanckorona is located far away from the main roads.

Interesting places around cracow lanckorona beautiful towns around cracow
interesting places around cracow lanckorona polish culture trip around cracow

Wieliczka Salt Mine

If salt mine in Wieliczka and Auschwitz get into a fight about which one of them is the most visited place around Cracow, it would be hard to predict the winner. Least to say, Wieliczka is visited every year by more than 1 million people from around the World. This mine is already a brand, placed on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

In Wieliczka Salt Mine you can learn about mining traditions or see beautiful underground chapels decorated with crystal chandeliers. This is Moria mine in real life.

The Mine has its own four star hotel. It is also hosting many non-mining events, like weddings, concerts or BJJ championships.

Ojcowski National Park

If you really want, you can visit Ojcowski National Park every day after finishing work. It is less than 20 km from Cracow.

Famous for its castles and rock formations, Ojcowski National Park is especially worth to visit by bike.

What to see in Ojcowski National Park

Cave – Jaskinia Łokietka

Castle in Ojców

Wooden Chapel – Kapliczka pw. Św. Józefa Robotnika

Castle Pieskowa Góra

Rock formation: Maczuga Herkulesa


Small village with artistic touch. There you will find small wooden cottages decorated with traditional Polish floral motifs. The tradition of painting the houses started century ago and sadly it is know kept alive only by the few.

Today, there are maybe 20 cottages left and they are scattered around the village.

Check also

Hiking in Gorce National Park

If you are feeling like hiking, but you are not up for another long ride to Zakopane, go to Gorce National Park (Gorczański Park Narodowy). There is a direct bus that goes from Cracow to Lubomierz. From there you can start your hike through the National Park.

Go on the top of Turbacz mountain. If the weather is good, you will have a clear view at Tatra mountains. From there go down to Nowy Targ and catch a bus back to Cracow.

Tatry mountains where to go in poland

Royal castle in Niepołomice

Niepołomice is a one of those places around Cracow that you should visit by bike. Make some use from the fact that Lesser Poland is on its way to become the best bike destination in Poland. The bike route goes along the river and will guide you toward royal castle in Niepołomice.

Wadowice and Kalwaria Zebrzydowska

In terms of beliefs, Lesser Poland is definitely one of the more conservative parts of the country. Least to say, the Pope John Paul II was born in a town close to Cracow – Wadowice. You can visit a museum create in his old family house.

If you are interested in temples, you should also check a sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (there is also a very affordable dinery in the pilgrim’s house at the back).

interesting places around cracow where to sleep
Justyna Dzik

Author Justyna Dzik

Hi there! I am Justyna and my goal is to make you fall in love with Poland. I traveled my country back and forth by bike, car, train, bus... Even a baloon. I advice to independent tourists and guide tours organized by Plan Poland. I am the author of travel blog. Contact me if you need help in organizing your visit.

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